Wednesday, August 27, 2008

March Air Force Museum

Jason and Larry took the boys to the museum on Saturday while I took some time for myself with my friend Carmen at Glen Ivy. It was a very hot day but the boys were troopers for their daddy. Larry would have liked to spend more time there according to Jason but the boys were done after a while.
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New Carpet

We finally decided to put new carpet down in the house and get rid of the ugly cream colored berber that the previous owner had put in. We went with a taupe color because of the boys and the puppy. We have rearranged some of the furniture around the house: the piano is no longer in the main living room as it took up quite a bit of space and the wood didn't match the rest of the room and we are not putting our sleigh bed back together. After the carpet was replaced, we walked in and saw how much more room was in there. Daphne was quite upset that she couldn't hide under the bed. We are going to put the old bed into storage and buy a new metal frame and try to be like the designers on HGTV and build a headboard.

Summer Fun, Part II

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Last Saturday we went to Evelyn's house as I had a hair appointment and Jason was at one of his computer gaming events. It was very warm so we pulled out the sprinkler and unleashed the boys. Uncle Chris got into the fun for a bit but didn't want to get too wet.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Karate Kid

Logan is completely enamored with Power Rangers and wanted to take Karate lessons. I found lessons for him at the YWCA with Sensei Mowry. She's tough, she even intimidates me!! For the first week, Logan wouldn't show us his moves as he said that they were secret. I found out that was because Sensei tells them not to tell the other kids at school that he takes karate because the other boys will want to play fight or just fight with him. Jason and I play around with him and he is to the point that he now corrects us when we say something (Ay-ya vs. Ay) or throw a punch wrong (No! You're doing it wrong). He received his Gi on wednesday. When he was putting it on, he face just lit up and he said, "This is SO cool." That is what his uniform is called and I sewed that patches on Wednesday night. He will receive a dragon patch on his leg when he takes his 1st test.


Why is it that something that makes such a beautiful end product leaves your house in chaos? I finally got around to creating Gage's 1st birthday page (yes, 1-1/2 years later) and went for it on some other pages.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

So Not Ready...

I am so not ready to go back to work. Being off with the boys this summer has been fantastic: No worries about getting them up and out the door, waking up whenever we wanted, no colds, nice long naps (well for me at least while the boys were in their rooms). The part that I dread the most, which has already happened, is that once we get back into our normal routine, the colds and other sickies will find us once again. The boys are already sick after heading back to Tia's house and preschool this last week while I was at the Math Adoption training. Argh!! I can't win. Does it ever get any better?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunflower Seeds

I went outside today to trim up my garden and decided to cut down my sunflowers which were pretty ratty looking. After cutting down the "Mammoth Sunflower" which grew to over 7 feet tall and almost a foot wide(the stalk was an inch+ thick), I saw the huge amount of sunflower seeds in it. I am going to try to roast them for homemade sunflower seeds. Any orders?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Fun

What a great way to spend an afternoon here in So Cal. Just turn on the hose with a sprinkler and the kids are happy!!

AHHH Spider

Logan, Gage, my Mom-In-Law and I went to Rainforest Cafe at the Ontario Mills after shopping at the Stride Rite store (check out Logan's new Anaconda Shoes). There was a balloon artist there and she made some great things for the kids. Check them out.

Little Miss Know It All

For all of my bargain shopper friends, I found this article on Little Miss Know It All